There’s a new breed of company: those that can be set up, and be based from, a coffee shop. The rise of these companies have given way to an uprising in hubs that range from the dedicated business incubator,...
  Technologies may come and go, but one thing remains: Word-of-mouth is the most trusted, and least expensive, business-building technique. Too bad most of it is out of your control, right? Wrong. While you can't force your customers and clients to speak...
Starting a business can feel like a thankless task. No matter how passionate you feel about what you’re doing, the energy necessary for growing an idea from the ground up can start to wane over time. To prompt sales...
First impressions are important when establishing business relationships, obtaining clients and building a customer base. Signs reflect your company's image and draw attention to your business. This is not something that should be passed over if you want to...
Endorsements by celebrities are great, but endorsements from rafts of happy customers can be even better. The most successful companies have adopted testimonials and reviews. Below is five cracking reasons why using onsite testimonies will benefit you and your...
For any modern business the need to be found is paramount and today, with more online directories than ever before, the potential audience reach and demographic drill down is completely staggering. Yet with so much choice comes the possibility that...
For those who are just entering the realm of entrepreneurship the topic of a brand story may seem an elusive one. Yet the power of brand stories can be seen all around us, from the squeaky clean and instantly...
Pokémon GO was only released last week and is already breaking records. Any statistic I use in this article within moments will be out of date. In a few days, the nostalgic 90s app was downloaded more than 10...
    Starting your own business is a massive journey, full of highs and lows (and hopefully highs again). We know that a blog is great from SEO-terms because it enables an easy way to keep your website updated with new...
Social media is, today, becoming ever more entwined with everyday life; it seems that rather than talking, we tap out IM messages and instead of focusing marketing efforts on traditional adverts and challenges, it’s all about social engagement, fans...