Keeping up with the news can be tricky. Even the most eagle-eyed observer can miss a vital news story. We think being up-to-date on economic developments is key to the success of your startup.

Every Wednesday we provide the top 10 key bits of business news from the past week.

Last budget before Article 50

Philip Hammond

The Spring budget may well be the last one before Brexit is underway. It is said that the budget will be used to help North sea oil and gas industry. The budget has also placed a fairly optimistic forecast on economic growth.

Property sales sink

House keys

Foxton states that it saw its property sales decrease by 23% in the aftermath of the Brexit vote. They believe that 2017 will be just as challenging with the actual triggering of Article 50.

Coal collapse

Burning coal

In 2016, coal usage fell by 52% which drove UK carbon emissions down to levels similar to those in the Victorian era. Despite this, oil and gas consumption is increasing and taking over the coal market.

The dark side of Facebook

Facebook logo

Facbeook is failing to remove sexualised images of children from closed groups and communities. Last year, the BBC reported 100 photos that broke Facebook’s guidelines on sexualised images of children. Over 80% of them were not removed.

Top UK universities snatching global ranking positions

Intern and graduates

Some of the top UK universities are placing in the global university rankings. This includes Loughborough (for sports) and Sussex (for development studies) claiming the top spot and replacing universities such as Harvard.

Britain closes a door to children seeking asylum


Campaigners wanted 3,000 Syrian and other asylum seekers in Europe to be given a home. After this was voted against (287 to 267 votes), it is still said that 350 children will be given sanctuary in the UK plus those already accepted under other asylum programmes. According to the councils, there are at least 368 spaces available for children under the terms of the national transfer scheme. It is said that the campaign is not over.

Fall in young smokers

Young women smoking

There has been a colossal decrease in young smokers. The latest data suggests 1 in 5 18-24 year olds smoke whereas where as in 2010 it was 1 in 4. 60% have never picked up a cigarette.

Nintendo Switch may be Nintendo’s fastest selling console ever

Nintendo Switch Logo

Although Nintendo will not reveal its sale figures into April, rumour has it that the Nintendo Switch might be Nintendo’s fastest selling product ever – or at least in a long time.

Jaguar ad promotes unsafe driving

Jaguar logo

The Jaguar ad has been heavily criticised for promoting unsafe driving. The ad shows a driver being able to view different apps whilst on the road. Jaguar Land Rover has been warned to create any future ads promoting unsafe driving and the ad has been banned.

Nike launches hijab for women

Happy international women’s day to all you beautiful and strong women out there ❤️❤️

A post shared by Zahra Lari (@zahralari) on

Nike is the first major sports brand to launch a hijab that was designed to make sport more comfortable for Muslim women. It was created from feedback from hijab-wearing athletes. It is to be launched in 2018.

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With a background in design, I started my career working in various UK based start ups. Branding, social media campaigns and digital design were my main strengths. Then, I dived into the business side of things. I am now a key researcher and creative content writer at CompanyFormations 24.7.