Many companies will keep the registered office address of their company for the whole lifetime of that business. However, in a world that is ever-changing, chances are you may find that you need to change your registered office address. Below we have listed out a guide outlining how you, should you need to, can change a registered office address.

1. Check for any restrictions in your company’s articles

Your company’s articles of association may contain restrictions that prevent it from having a change in registered office address occurring. It’s unlikely, but it is something that you need to check.

Once you have checked that there are no restrictions on you changing your registered office address, then you need to get the approval from all of the company’s directors.

2. File the AD01 form with Companies House

The AD01 form, which can also be found on the website, is used to notify Companies House of a change in office address with 14 days of the change taking place.

When completing the AD01, you will need to supply the following information:

  • Company number
  • Company name
  • Your new registered office address
  • The signature of the director authorising the change in registered office address

If you are a limited company, then you will need to submit an LL AD01 rather than an AD01. If you want to change your registered address and you are a limited liability partnership, then you can get more information here.

3. Companies House will then register your new office address

Once you have submitted your AD01 to Companies House and they have approved it, they will then register your new office address on the Royal Mail database. The change will only be in effect on the date that the notice has been registered by Companies House, so it is recommended to wait until this approval before updating anything like stationary or notifying relevant parties.

Once accepted by Companies House, it usually takes around 24 hours for the new registered address to appear on the public register.

4. Update all of your necessary documents

Once your new office address has been accepted, you’ll need to update anything within your business that displays the old address. This includes things such as:

  • Printed letterheads
  • Order forms or invoices
  • Email signatures
  • Your website
  • Brochures or marketing materials that you may produce
  • Any other printed stationary that you may have

Also be sure to move statutory documents, such as directors’ service contracts, to include the new registered office address.

5. Notify all necessary people of the new change in your office address

As well as updating all of the necessary company documents with your new office address, you’ll also need to notify any relevant parties in the change. This will include people such as:

  • Auditors
  • Bankers
  • The HMRC
  • Shareholders
  • Clients
  • Solicitors and accountants
  • Your customers and suppliers

Other factors to note

In line with the Companies Act 2006, section 86(2), documents can still be served to a company at its previous office address up to 14 days after the new registered office address has been updated by Companies House. Therefore, it is important that you still have access to your previous address until this period has elapsed.

All-in-all, changing your company address is an easy and painless process. Should you have any further questions or need any help with registering a new office address, then get in touch.

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With a background in design, I started my career working in various UK based start ups. Branding, social media campaigns and digital design were my main strengths. Then, I dived into the business side of things. I am now a key researcher and creative content writer at CompanyFormations 24.7.