Accounting & Finance

Accounting & Finance

What began as a simple invoicing app in 2013, Nutcache has now developed to become an all-in-one project management app that allows for the tracking of time, the invoicing of clients and easier team collaboration. It lists itself as...
As any owner of a SME will know, cash flow can be a problem in the early years. There are, of course, many options available on the table to help with this such as investment or credit. However, another...
As with a personal credit score, having a good business credit score will help lenders, suppliers, investors, and other creditors quickly and efficiently decide whether or not they want to become financially involved with your business. Once you begin...
Ashley Business Finance, with the strapline “friend of the SME since 1993”, is an invoice factoring and business loan business. They claim to have helped hundreds of SMEs to success since their initial establishment and offer coverage in both...
Should your company have debt is a question that is commonly asked by many business owners, particularly those new to the world of business. While it can be a scary thought to think that your company is in debt,...
Apps have taken the world by storm and have completely transformed our lives. Able to help with everything from our health to our security, it is hardly surprising that they have had a profound effect on the world of...
Cash flow, particularly for small and medium sized businesses or startups, can be the make or break factor when it comes to the survival, and ultimately, success, of your company. Payroll, office costs, and production costs are all outgoings...
We’ve recently seen on our small screens the rather friendly looking blue and purple Workplace Pension monster character (which cost £8.5m of public money to create, no less ). However, with pensions being such a notoriously baffling topic, with...
As a business owner, you’re time is short. Between running the day-to-day operations of your business, whilst also scheduling in time for planning ahead for growth, there can be few, if any hours, left in the day. When leading...
Working capital is a measure of both a company's efficiency and short term health. It is the difference between current assets and current liabilities and it highlights whether a company has sufficient assets (cash flow) to cover its short...